Helpful Links
We provide a variety of useful links. Please use them to assist your practice in complying with OSHA, Infection Control, and other safety regulations and recommendations.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, San Diego Healthcare Compliance is not responsible for errors and omissions, interpretation, application, and/or changes in regulations or recommendations described in these links. These links are not a substitute for your review of applicable regulations and standards and they should not be construed as legal advice.
COVID-19 Recovery Center - Selected Links
Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
If you are a healthcare professional, you have been classified as working in a very high exposure risk job. You have high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19. OSHA developed this COVID-19 planning guidance based on infection prevention and industrial hygiene practices. Guidance focuses on implementing engineering, administrative, and work practice controls; and PPE.
Return to Work Interim Guidance Toolkit - Free from the ADA
In anticipation of dental practices resuming the full range of oral healthcare, the ADA’s Advisory Task Force for Dental Practice Recovery has developed this free toolkit. It provides interim guidance and recommended measures to help protect patients, staff and dentists from COVID-19.
California Medical Association - COVID-19 Resources
The California Medical Association has compiled a comprehensive list of resources to assist medical practices as they return to more robust patient care schedules. Links include Telehealth and Financial toolkits.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Toolkit - Free from OSAP
The Organization for Safety Asepsis and Prevention has compiled a comprehensive list of resources on COVID-19.
In This Together: COVID-19 - Critical information about waterline safety when reopening your practice
COVID-19 created the perfect opportunity for biofilm to form within dental unit waterlines. Follow the critical steps outlined by ProEdge before reopening your office. Ensure your patients are protected by adhering to CDC recommendations for safe dental unit water quality.
Levin Group - Improving the Lives of Dentists
Dr. Levin and his consulting team have developed many useful resources to support dental practices during this unprecedented time.
Workplace Violence
Addressing Workplace Violence in Healthcare
How professionals and students in patient-facing positions can stay safe at work and school.
Run, Hide, Fight - Surviving an Active Shooter Event
Produced by Ready Houston ( A must watch video for any office worker.
Minnesota OSHA - Workplace Violence Prevention
The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has established a Workplace Violence Prevention Resource Center to aid in recognizing, avoiding, and preventing violence in the workplace. There is particular emphasis on violence prevention in health care settings.
Federal OSHA
The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s mission is to assure safe working conditions for employees by creating and enforcing standards, and through education. OSHA also with enforces whistleblower statutes and regulations.
California OSHA
California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health protects workers from hazards through its enforcement and consultation programs.
California Department of Public Health
Dental Hygiene & Ergonomics: Pain is NOT in the Job Description – A series of five videos
- Video 1 – Introduction to musculoskeletal disorders
- Video 2 – Posture and positioning: Practicing dental hygiene in the real world
- Video 3 – Instruments: Choosing the best and keeping them sharp
- Video 4 – Loupes: Looking closely at our choices
- Video 5 – Scheduling and strengthening: Helping our bodies to prevent injury
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the United States’ leading public health institute. Its main goal is to protect public health through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability – both in the US and internationally. The CDC focuses on infectious disease, food-borne pathogens, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention, and educational activities.
Dental Board of California
The Dental Board of California's mission is to protect and promote the health and safety of consumers in the state.
Department of Environmental Health - County of San Diego
The Department of Environmental Health protects the environment and enhances public health by preventing disease, promoting environmental responsibility, and enforcing environmental and public health laws.
Department of Environmental Health - Hazardous Materials Division - County of San Diego
The County of San Diego, Department of Environmental Health, Hazardous Materials Division issues permits and inspects facilities that handle or store hazardous materials, generate hazardous waste, and generate medical waste.
California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) Guide for Businesses Generating Medical Waste
Businesses in San Diego County generating medical waste must apply and maintain a Unified Program Facility Permit which is now required to be updated online through CERS.
Video - CERS Guide for Medical Waste Generators
If you are a business generating medical waste in San Diego, you are required to have a Unified Program Facility Permit with the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division. Examples of medical waste generators are hospitals, medical, dental, and veterinary clinics. This video tutorial guides you in creating your account in CERS and how to properly complete your CERS submittal.
Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Settings - CDC
CDC develops evidence-based recommendations to guide infection prevention and control in dentistry. This site provides guidelines and recommendations, FAQ’s, resources for evaluating and adhering to guidelines, and a glossary.
Radiological Health Program - County of San Diego
The Radiological Health Program enforces state and federal radiation control regulations in San Diego County. This program monitor’s the storage, use, and disposal of radioactive materials. It also assesses the safe use of x-ray equipment.
Dentsply Sirona
Dentsply Sirona manufactures a comprehensive suite of Infection Prevention products.
Hu-Friedy, a leader in dental instrument manufacturing designs, manufactures, and distributes dental instruments and products. The company has developed a significant number of products focused on infection prevention.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) offers an extensive online collection of resources, publications, FAQs, checklists, and toolkits to help dental professionals provide the safest dental visit possible for their patients.
The American Society of Safety Professionals is a global association for occupational safety and health professionals. ASSP provides education, advocacy, standards development, and a professional community to its members.
The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is the leading professional association for infection preventionists. Its mission is to prevent infection by providing better care – promoting better health at a lower cost and thus creating a safer world.