Downloadable Resources
We provide a variety of useful forms, signs, and checklists. Please use them to assist your practice in complying with OSHA, Infection Control, and other safety regulations and recommendations.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, San Diego Healthcare Compliance is not responsible for errors and omissions, interpretation, application, and/or changes in regulations or recommendations described in these documents. These documents are not a substitute for your review of applicable regulations and standards and they should not be construed as legal advice.
Chemical Safety
Avery Instructions for Chemical Label Printing
Easy-to-follow instructions to print your own OSHA-compliant chemical labels. Can be used to help your office comply with the Globally Harmonized System requirements for chemical labeling
Dental, Medical, and Veterinary Offices: Managing Your Hazardous Waste
General information about the hazardous waste requirements for dental, medical, and veterinary facilities.
Dentistry and Silicosis Prevention
A great resource for dental personnel exposed to silica in the laboratory
Employee Protection from Airborne Diseases
Flu Season Sign - English
Sample sign in English to post in your office advising patients of your airborne illness prevention policy. Note: This sign is for practices that do NOT see patients with acute respiratory illness.
Flu Season Sign - Español
Sample sign in Spanish to post in your office advising patients of your airborne illness prevention policy. Note: This sign is for practices that do NOT see patients with acute respiratory illness.
Patient ATD Screening Form - English
A sample screening form in English that can be used to screen patients for acute respiratory illnesses. Can be modified as needed.
Patient ATD Screening Form - Español
A sample screening form in Spanish that can be used to screen patients for acute respiratory illnesses. Can be modified as needed.
San Diego Healthcare Compliance Information
San Diego Healthcare Compliance - Introductory Material - 2018
Description of the comprehensive training and support services offered by San Diego Healthcare Compliance,
background of Dr. Jonathan Rudin, OSHA’s penalty structure, and excerpt of OSHA requirements for healthcare
SDHC Service Offerings
San Diego Healthcare Compliance’s comprehensive safety training and support services.
Exposure Incident Forms
San Diego Healthcare Compliance’s comprehensive Exposure Incident Forms. Use these forms to document the exposure incident process from beginning to end.
Infection Control & Prevention
Dental Infection Control & Prevention Checklist
This checklist is a companion to the Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for Safe Care. Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This document provides a blueprint for building a solid foundation for your office’s dental infection control and prevention program.
Occupational Exposure to Surgical Plume
Employers shall ensure that employees are protected from occupational exposure to surgical plumes produced by electrosurgical and electrocautery procedures. This draft document (for discussion purposes only) conveys possible language regarding OSH Standards Board Petition 567. The draft covers topics such as the written plan, control measures (e.g., engineering and administrative controls), training, and record keeping.
Medical Waste Management Act - 2017
The Medical Waste Management Act
(California Health and Safety Code
Sections 117600 – 118360) governs medical waste management at several locations, including healthcare facilities. Developed by the California Department of Public Health.
Optimal Sterilization Center Schematic
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations for implementing an optimal sterilization area.
Section 1005. Minimum Standards for Infection Control
Dental infection control is a critical component of your office's safety plan. This document provides the basic information used in the California Infection Control course – required by the Dental Board of California for biennial relicensing applications. Please consult with the Dental Board of California to obtain the latest version of this regulation.
Service Animals and the ADA
This document provides guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act’s service animal provisions. Should be read along with the the ADA Revised Requirements: Service Animals. Offices that have a general “no pets” policy may need to modify it to allow service animals into their facilities.
Sexual Harassment & Abusive Conduct Prevention Training Requirements
All employers of five or more employees must provide ONE hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to non-managerial employees and TWO hours to managerial employees once every two years.
Cal-OSHA 6401.9 - Workplace Violence Prevention Regulation
California out-patient healthcare facilities must comply with Workplace Violence Prevention – California Labor Code Section 6401.9. (Patient stays are less than 24 hours.)
Model-Workplace Violence Prevention Plan - from California Labor Code Section 6401.9
Effective July 1, 2024, California out-patient healthcare facilities must comply with Workplace Violence Prevention – California Labor Code Section 6401.9. (Patient stays are less than 24 hours.) Download Model-Workplace Violence Prevention Plan docx as provided by California Department of Industrial Relations here.
(Note: In-patient facilities [patients stay for at least 24 hours] must comply with Section 3342 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.)
Workplace Violence Prevention - Information for Employees
According to OSHA, each year workplace violence affects almost 2 million American employees. Among other programs, employers are required to establish, implement, and maintain an effective written workplace violence prevention plan.
ADA Publication on Dental Records
Dental records help provide continuity of care for patients and are critical for malpractice insurance claims. This 2007 publication provides information about maintaining dental records. Review your state dental practice act for more precise information. Check the ADA website for their current version of this document.
Radiation Safety Information
California Radiation Control Regulations include standards for protecting against radiation hazards. The California Department of Public Health is responsible for administering these standards (which apply to both employers and employees). This Department or authorized agents enforce these regulations.
OSHA Requirements
Requirement for Interactive OSHA Training Onsite at Least Annually
Did you know that both Federal and California OSHA require specific practices for healthcare facility compliance? This
document (excerpted from OSHA regulations) states, among other things, that training must be provided to your
employees annually must be presented live by a qualified instructor, must allow your employees to interact with that
the instructor must take place during normal business hours and must occur in your office.
Safe Injection Practices
Injection Practices - Dangerous Misperceptions
This document provides examples of dangerous misperceptions about injection practices. Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Injection Safety Checklist
This checklist is a subset of items found in the CDC Infection Prevention Checklist for Outpatient Settings: Minimum Expectations for Safe Care. Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Injection Safety FAQs
These FAQ’s address injection practices that assure the safety of patients and healthcare personnel. Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Question of Single-Dose or Multi-Dose Vials